Wednesday, January 18, 2006


"If you want to move to a higher level of life, you have to bewilling to let go of some of your old ways of thinking and beingand adopt new ones." -- T. Harv Eker

"The greater part of human pain is unnecessary. It isself-created as long as the unobserved mind runs your life." -- Eckhart Tolle

"You either create or allow everything that happens to you." -- Jack Canfield

Thursday, January 12, 2006

The Missing Secret of Ultimate Success

Don't probe darkness to understand light.
Don't dwell on sickness to be health.
Don't indulge in thoughts of lack to have supply.
Don't dwell in misery to understand happiness.
Lester Levenson, from The Ultimate Truth

I am sure that you have heard such profound truthssaid by others, in other ways. I have a book shelffull of great wisdom. The challenge - the short-coming - with this is advice, however, is "How do I 'don't' do that?"

It is one thing to say, "Think positive", "Focus onlyon what you want", and "Don't give counsel to yourfears". That's all great advice, but when you feelcaught up in life's drama how do you avoid it?

Lester Levenson, the creator of the Release Technique,gave us that gift. He gave us the "how to" that enables you and I to let go of the negativity, thedistractions and the fears.
Imagine what your life becomes when you toss asideas little as fifty-percent of the negative thoughts andfeelings that go where you go.

Right now, could you feel a little happier?
Could you feel a little more in-love?
Could you feel a little more secure?
Could you feel a little more loved?
Could you feel a little richer?

You certainly could and I know you can. We all can.In fact, there is no limit to how happy, in-love, secure,loved and richer you can feel. And when that's how youfeel, that's what you have in your life.

The only thing you need to do is learn how to let thosenegative feelings leave your life. As you do, . . .

You will feel happier . . . and you will be happier.You will feel in-love . . . and you will be in-love.You will feel secure . . . and you will be secure.You will feel loved . . . and you will be
loved.You will feel richer . . . and you will be richer. Wishing you all the best life has to offer,

John R. Barker
The Abundance Course